Saturday, March 5, 2011

Days of School

Well, I don't remember how many days of school we have left but I do know that we are in the 50'S! That means that we are close to the end!!!!!!!!!!!!


Being sick is both good and bad. It's good because you get to ketch up on some school work, research paper, and some sleep. But, you also have some extra school work so it's a win lose thing. I don't like being sick. Just to let you guys know.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


We now have 61 days of school! Unfortunately, we have a paper due soon but that means the last days, we can just relax but just worry about tests.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Days of School

We now have only 63 more days of school! I hope they will go by SUPER FAST! Rock On!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Days of School

Well, we have 65 more days of school. Thats gona be the longest 65 days of my life. I can't wait untill summer!!! Summer is amazing!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Wigs are awesome. They are very itchy and all that other junk though, but still very cool. I am wearing a green wig right now. Looking very good. Wigs are fun. The fake hair on them get VERY annoying though.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Shoes

My shoes are awesome. They look like chain mail on my feet. Very cool. :D life ti's good.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Gang.

Our gang is awesome. It's me, Aislyn, Jaren, Olivia (olive), Jonah, and Anna. It is the bomb. We do nothing sometimes but even that is awesome. We kick bottom. :D

Thursday, January 27, 2011

computer class

Computer class is pretty good. I like it because it is kinda relaxing. Boring at times but good.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gutting the Deer

Gutting the deer is actually harder than you would think. You must have a very sharp knife that is ment for skinning the deer. You can use a regular pocket knife but it is way harder. You first must "field prep it". That pretty much means just to gutt it were you shot the deer. Then you must hang it up and skin it. That just means to "peel" the skin away from the musle or meat.

The steps of Gutting/skining a deer

Skining a deer

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Cost Of Hunting

If you want to be a sucseful hunter, you will have to buy camo cloths, a tree stand (if you are going bow hunting), sent repelint, a gun or a bow, and ammunition. If you are a profeshinal hunter, it is expensive. and if you want to moutn your deer, it is $450 plus.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The History of Hunting

Hunting started at the beginning of man. Once Adam and Eve sinned and God cast them out of the Garden of Eden and we had to hunt to survive. We had to hunt to get food and clothes and sometimes for protection.
Hunting became a sport in the late 1700's. That's all I really know about when hunting became a sport.
The types of hunting are:
-Hog, or Boar,
-Black Bear
-Gray Fox
-Red Fox

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What You Need

You will first need a gun and know how to shoot it. You will also need the right clothing so you don't get freezing or to hot. Also, you will need ammunition so you will be able to shoot your gun. You are also required by the state to have at least 500 square inches of fluorescent orange.
Hunting is an inner passion. You don't have a coach or anyone to tell you what to do, you have to learn from experience and others' experiences. Also, people think that it is easy. It's not. Sometimes it's very cold and rainy and sometimes it's hot. Also, once you shoot your deer, you have to gut and skin and process the deer.